The array in the C programming language has a fixed size, which means that once the size is specified, it cannot be changed; you can neither shrink it or extend it.
Given an array of values v[] and a binary array a[]. The objective is to use as many k coins to divide the binary array as much as is possible while ensuring that each segment has an equal amount of 0s and 1s. i and j are the neighboring indices of the split segment, and the cost of each split is (v[i] – v[j])2.
Problem Statement
Let the Input array be:
a: [1,0,0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1]
The given values be:
v: [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12,13,14]
K: 1
Output obtained is: 1
在这种情况下,[0, 1] 和 [0, 0, 1, 1] 是最终结果的平衡二进制子字符串。
进行这个剪切将花费(8 – 9)^ 2 = 1,以及1 = 1。
Let the Input array be:
a: [1,0 1, 0, 1, 1, 0,0]
The given values be:
v: [2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]
K: 14
Output obtained is: 2
The first cut will be made between the first and second index that is 4 and 7, costing us (4 – 7)^2 = 9 and the second cut will be made between the third and fourth index that is 7 and 10, costing us (7 – 10)^ 2 = 9. No more cuts are possible at this time. The balanced binary substrings in this case that would arise are [1, 0], [1, 0], and [1, 1, 0, 0].
In order to find maximum possible balanced binary substring splits with at most cost k, we take the following methodology.
Here we take a top-down approach to solve this problem and to find maximum possible balanced binary substring splits with at most cost k.
The algorithm to find maximum possible balanced binary substring splits with at most cost K is given below.
第一步 – 开始
第二步 – 定义一个二维矩阵 m
第三步 – 定义一个函数来找到最大可能的平衡二进制子字符串分割。
Step 4 − Define integer variables zeroCount to count the number of zeros and oneCount to count the number of ones respectively
第5步 − 定义一个整数变量cntSplits来计算拆分的数量
第6步 – 遍历给定的数组 a
Step 7 − check whether the number of zeros is equal to the number of ones, then store the maximum feasible one
第8步 – 假设索引位于位置0,然后找出它是1还是0,然后增加计数
Step 9 − set the cntSplits to zero, if count of one and count of zero is unequal.
第10步 – 将结果值存储在矩阵中
Step 11 − Print the desired result obtained
Step 12 − Stop
//Define a two-dimensional matrix m
int m[1001][1001];
//Define a function to find maximum possible //balanced binary substring splits
int maxSplits(int a[], int v[], int k, int s) {
if (k 0; i–) {
a[i] == 0 ? zeroCount++ : oneCount++;
// check whether the number of zeros is equal to the number of ones, then store the maximum feasible one
if (zeroCount == oneCount) {
cntSplits = cntSplits > (1 + maxSplits(a, v, k – (v[i] – v[i – 1]) * (v[i] – v[i – 1]), i)) ? cntSplits : (1 + maxSplits(a, v, k – (v[i] – v[i – 1]) * (v[i] – v[i – 1]), i));
//Suppose the index is at the position 0, then find whether it is a one or a zero. then increment the count
if (i == 0) {
a[0] == 0 ? zeroCount++ : oneCount++;
// set the cntSplits to zero , if count of one and count of zero is unequal.
if (zeroCount != oneCount) {
cntSplits = 0;
// store the resultant value in the matrix
return m[k][s] = cntSplits;
int main() {
int a[] = { 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 };
int v[] = { 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 };
int k = 1;
int s = sizeof(a) / sizeof(a[0]);
//To assign a specific value to a block of memory, we use the memset() function.
memset(m, -1, sizeof(m));
printf(“%dn”, maxSplits(a, v, k, s));
return 0;