(Only at the end, a square inch of wood can be higher than a tall building. Metaphor does not start from this point of view, then we cannot understand the facts clearly.)
(An inch long wood is compared with a tall building with a spire. The original intention is that starting points are different and cannot be compared with high or low. metaphor must be the same for weight and weight. Later also metaphor gap is very big.)
出处: 《孟子·告子下》:“不揣其本而齐其末,方寸之木可使高于岑楼。”
◆ 谊切苔岑 【yì qiè tái cén】
释义: 切:亲近;苔岑:志同道合的朋友。形容志同道合,感情深厚。
(Che: be close; Tessen: like-minded friends. Describe like – minded, deep feelings.)