



Characteristics of strtok() function

To split a string into smaller chunks or tokens based on a delimiter, use the strtok() function in C++. A pointer to the string that has to be tokenized and a string with the delimiter characters are the two inputs for the function. A pointer to the string’s very first token is returned by the function. As long as there are tokens left in the string, successive calls to the function with the same string parameter will return additional tokens and this happens with the help of NULL pointer in while loop. When calling the’strtok()’ function again, supplying NULL as the first argument instructs the function to pick up where it left off with the previous tokenization of the same string.

When the function’strtok()’ is first called with the input string as the first argument, it starts looking for the first token in the string at the beginning. When it locates the initial token, it terminates it by replacing the delimiter that comes after it with the null character (”0”). When’strtok()’ is used again with a NULL pointer as the first argument, the function picks up where it left off with the previous tokenization of the string, that is, directly after the previous token. It keeps looking for the delimiter’s next appearance.


Char* strtok(char* str, const char* delimiters);



– `str` is a pointer to the string to be tokenized.

– `delimiters` 是一个包含分隔符字符的字符串。


  • Step 1 − The `strtok()` function takes two arguments – the first argument is the input string to be tokenized and the second argument is a string containing all the delimiters that should be used to split the input string into tokens.

  • Step 2 − When the function is called for the first time, the input string is passed as the first argument, and the delimiter string is passed as the second argument.

  • 步骤 3 − 该函数在输入字符串中搜索任何一个分隔符字符的第一个出现

  • Step 4 − When it finds a delimiter character, it replaces it with a null terminator (`’’`) and returns a pointer to the beginning of the first token.

  • 第5步 – 下次调用该函数时,第一个参数应设置为`NULL`,而不是原始输入字符串。这告诉函数继续从上次停下的地方开始,在字符串中搜索下一个标记。

  • Step 6 − The function continues to search for delimiter characters and returns pointers to the beginning of subsequent tokens until it reaches the end of the string, at which point it returns `NULL`.

Approaches to follow

方法1 − 使用循环和strtok()函数以及单个分隔符来展示代码的程序。

方法2 – 使用循环和strtok()函数以及多个分隔符来展示代码的程序


Below is the program to show code using a loop with strtok() function and single delimeter

这个示例演示了如何使用strtok按空格对字符串进行分词。输入字符串str首先与分隔符” “一起传递给strtok。第一次调用strtok返回指向第一个标记(“Hi,”)的指针,将其打印到控制台。strtok继续对字符串进行分词,直到没有更多的标记,并且每个标记都打印到控制台。请注意,对于后续对strtok的调用,我们将一个空指针作为第一个参数传递,表示我们要继续对原始字符串进行分词


#include // Include the header for strtok()
using namespace std;

int main() {
char str[] = “Hi, this topic tells about strtok() function”;
char* ptr;
ptr = strtok(str, ” “);
while (ptr != NULL) {

发布于 2023-09-02 16:39:55
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